Elin Blog #4 Vagabonding while Waiting for Acceptable Quests!

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Oh I’m vaga-bonding alright. With the top of this Piano as I sleep on it.

Hello again! It’s come to my attention after analyzing my website analytics that there are like around 5-10 of you finding this blog and reading my screaming into the void about this mega niche RPG! Welcome! I’m happy you exist and that you’re here. I wanted to quest more but most of the quests are farming or an extremely specific type of monster extermination quests. I am extremely frail so farming does not suit me. (Not until I get my endurance and strength up!) and I don’t have the patience for these “Find 8 goblins” quests. So I have taken to playing for Orens in the local Olvina tavern to train my music skill and sleeping on top of this Piano. Unfortunately taxes aren’t going to wait for me so I cant stay long but I do want to at least do one quest. WAIT!

Now this is my style of quest. Sorry random animals and slimes your time has come! Me taking this screenshot has made me realize that using ice arrow on Twintail’s nets me negative Karma! I should probably avoid blowing those up in the future….I apologize discount Espeons…

This probably won’t be the most interesting blog post since I’m just running around spamming Ice and Magic arrow to take down enemies but I did find this weird shrine with a Voyniche Manuscript on it! I’m not quite sure what it does exactly but I can read it so it must be somewhat important!

I did it! I got the 52 orens and a couple of platinum coins! Plus a strange gold coin that I don’t know what it does yet. Lets check the quest board again!

Yeah…I think I’ll stick to deciphering tomes I find and selling them and the loot I get while using my cat, dog, and the bard NPC from camp as human shields…and only do these kinda quests if I wanna train music or I need some extra platinum coins for some reason. Until next time friends may your adventures be fun and always full of wonder. See you in the next one! (I’m going to try and post here in this section at least once a week starting now!

-Soupa Eptco

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