Elin Blog #3 Dungeoneering!

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Today we’re dungeoneering. As a reminder I am a weak undead wizard and anything can one shot me if they manage to hit me so I brought friends this time! Raaaaaa! I need money so we’re picking everything we can up to sell to pay our taxes! I need to ration my spells carefully and switch between them and my boomerang while letting my dog, cat, and healer pick up slack where available. We should get into my plan for my character though.

I did pick up the magical dreaming perk to have a higher chance of formulating my own spells to fill slots instead of having to rely on spellbooks, rods, or wands. Once I’m proficient enough I’ll be able to drop the boomerang and start using light weapons instead of relying on ranged only weapons. I’m using a shield already to increase my chances at blocking or evading attacks but that only goes so far. I plan to double down on my casting, appraisal, faith, and music skills first though, I need money. There are two things certain in every world, death and taxes!

Unfortunately my healing is subpar so I couldn’t save everyone, I brought with me but they’ll respawn right?. I’m going to sell everything now.

Hurray! Until next time!

-Soupa Eptco

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